Commemoration of the anniversary of the International Network for the Study of Arab Societies

Commemoration of the anniversary of the International Network for the Study of Arab Societies

The International Network for the Study of Arab Societies commemorated the first anniversary at the headquarters of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) in Tunisia on November 18, 2021.

The ceremony included a video presentation of the development of the network, whose number of scientific and research institutions exceeded eighty institutions. In his speech, the Director General of ALECSO, Dr. Mohamed Ould Amor, affirmed ALECSO’s support for Arab initiatives aimed at enabling Arab societies to achieve knowledge-based development, research and investigation.In this context, he valued the efforts made by the network to help provide future visions that are useful in finding paths for development and development in all vital fields. The members of the Network stressed the importance of its achievements and the role it plays as a link between scientific institutions and providing its platform for deliberation and discussion in a climate of independence that distinguished it from other scientific institutions in the Arab world.
