Dr Fawzi Ben Dridi

Dr Fawzi Ben Dridi


Personal Information

Date and place of birth: 06/09/1972 at Sedrata, Souk Ahras.
Nationality: Algerian
Status: Married
Children: 2


  • Professor in sociology (since January 2017)
  • Academic qualification (Post Doctoral), July 2012, Badji Mokhtar University, Annaba, Algeria.
  • PhD in “Sociology of Deviance and Crime”, graduated with good, Badji Mokhtar University – Annaba, March 2010.
  • A Master degree in “Sociology Of Delinquency And Crime” with good Baji Mokhtar University, Annaba, 2004, Algeria.
  • First year Magistere in Sociology, University Mentori Constantine, 1999/2000 Algeria.
  • Bachelor of Sociology of Education, with Good, Baji Mokhtar University, Annaba, 1995, Algeria.
  • Baccalaureate in Sciences of the nature and life, 1991.


  • Expert in ELSCO (Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization), Tunisia.
  • Chief Project Algerian youth values in the light of social networks – Facebook as a model, CRASC.
  • Corona pandemic research project, Algerian Society, CRASC.
  • Vice rector of extern relations souk ahras university from November 2015 to july 2019
  • Dean of Social and Human Faculty, Souk Ahras University, Algeria, from December 2012 to December 2014. http://www.univ-soukahras.dz/en/
  • Director of a laboratory for research on “Youth and Social Problems” Souk ahras University, from June 2013 till today.
  • Maitre de conferences classe A: from July 2012 to today at Souk Ahras University.
  • Expert in PNR for National Projects Researches, from July 2012.
  • In charge of the National Research Centre for Social and Cultural Anthropology (CRASC) Oran, Algeria from January 2011 to today, entitled “Minimized Violence in Algerian Schools” field study in several states. N°129/P.E/CRASC/2011.
  • Quartermaster Chief of National Committee Project for Evaluating Scientific Research projects under the title “Effects And Factors Of Youth Delinquency In Urban Environment”, field study in Souk Ahras June 2011, Algeria.
  • Member in Scientific Board of social and humanities faculty in Souk Ahras University from Juin 2015 to Now.
  • Member in Scientific Board in the faculty of Letters and languages in Souk Ahras University from July 2011 to November 2012.
  • Maitre Assistant “A” from September 2007 to March 2010, Department of Social and Human Sciences, Souk Ahras university, Algeria.
  • Maitre de conférences classe B: March 3, 2010 to July 2012, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences souk Ahras University.
  • Ex consultant and researcher in Asbar Center for Studies and Research and Information, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) since 28.12.2008 to 07.02.2010.
  • Member of the team to study the content analysis of articles published in the press and electronic paper on tourism in Saudi Arabia (three dozen  newspapers and press and information) June – July – August 2008, Asbar Center for Studies and Research and Information, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia www.asbar.com
  • Member of the team to study the extent to which tourist activities to the requirements of young male and female field study included all regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia three years, Asbar Center for Studies and Research and Information, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia www.asbar.com
  • Member of a research team in charge of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Information, the title of the study: media strategy for the GCC
  • Professor of social demography Canadian Arab Open University, Canada from September 2007 to now.
  • Professor of Sociology at the University of The Hague is open, since August 2008 to now.
  • Member of the teaching staff (Musharraf) is Scandinavian University, from September 2009 to now.
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Demography University of Jijel since 11.2.2004 to August 2007.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Sociology and Demography University of Jijel to August 2007.
  • Senior Advisor for guidance and vocational school, Mdaourouch High School I, from 07/01/1996 to 30/09/2000 Souk Ahras. Algeria.
  • taught several modules to different levels, license and master: methodology of law sciences, theories to Modern sociology, research techniques, Introduction to education sociology, human sciences methodology, communication techniques, Communication anthropology, history of sciences, Introduction to philosophy.

Participation in Scientific Activities

  • Participation in E-learning in the era of Corona Pandemic: Challenges and Opportunities, 12thMay 2020, International Academy for Leadership and Development, Turkey.
  • Participation in The Virtual Seminar on Religion during the Corona Epidemic, 21/05/2020, ORSAM (center for Middle Eastern Studies).
  • Participation the virtual seminar on Arab societies and the Corona Epidemic – perceptions and repercussions, joint organization between the ORSAM Center and ANBAR University
  • Participation in The International Virtual Conference, Society and Pandemy, organized by the Research Center of Cultural and Social Anthropology, on 03 and 04 June 2020, Oran.
  • Advisory Board; he 5th Indonesia International Conference On Social Sciences (IICOS) 2018, http://www.iicos.stei.ac.id/
  • Arab-SPCAN Co-Chair, The 5th Arab Regional Conference on the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, November 19-22, 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Exec. Coordinator In International Symposium on CONTINUITY AND CHANGE IN NORTH AFRICA, TURKEY & IRAN 20-22 April 2017, Ankara
  • Member of Editing board of Global institute for study and research journal- London since May 2017
  • President of the International Conference on the Culture of Peaceful Coexistence in Arab Societies, Istanbul on 25-26-27 September 2019
  • Presentation of paper Towards Sociological Reading of Violence Against Children in Times of Conflict: Discrepancy between Discourse and Practice, International Conference on Childhood in Conflict Areas
  • Co-Chairman of the International Conference on Childhood in Conflict Zones organized in partnership between the Laboratory of Anthropology of Religions and Comparison (Telemcen University) and the Center ARGEDA – Istanbul 6- 7-May 2018
  • Co-Chair of the International Scientific Conference held in Tunis on 10 and 11 May 2018, entitled Youth and Extremism: Means of Prevention and Treatment. Organized by the Center for Economic and Social Studies and Research (Tunisia) and the Youth Laboratory And social problems (Algeria).
  • Intervention at the 2nd International Conference of Algerian-Turkish Social Sciences in Sakarya, 14-15 November, Turkey.
  • Co-Chair of the International Conference of Algerian-Turkish Social Sciences, Sakarya University, 14-15 November 2017, Turkey.
  • Participation in the international conference entitled ” Discontinuity in studying at communities ” on 06 and 07 December 2017 organized by the Center for Economic and Social Studies and Research – Tunisia.
  • Coordinator of the International Conference on School in Post-Conflict Societies organized in partnership between the Youth Laboratory and Social Problems and the International Center for Human Sciences (Jbeil Lebanon) 05 and 06 June 2015
  • Conference on School and Social Reproduction International Conference School in Post-Conflict Societies organized in partnership between the Youth Laboratory and Social Problems and the International Center for Human Sciences (Jbeil, Lebanon) 05 and 06 June 2015.
  • Coordinator of the International Conference of Youth Reality Prospects and Challenges organized between the Youth Laboratory and Social Problems in partnership with the University of Sakarya organized at the University of Souk Ahras 18-20 May 2015
  • Participation with Conference at the Center for Middle East Studies, University of Sakarya, 26 March 2014, titled Recent Political Developments in Algeria “Turkey.
  • Participation in the National confernce: problem of the formation of citizenship among the youth of the Maghreb within the activities of the Maghreb Forum “Civil Society and Citizenship in the Maghreb” organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mohamed Cherif University assistant Souk Ahras (Algeria) on 09-10 December 2014.
  • Participation in the fourth Arab-Turkish International Conference for Social Sciences (ATCOSS) paper entitled How university students perceive unemployment? Held at the University of Jordan. ATCOSS 4%20program
  • Participation in the third Arab-Turkish conference in social sciences, days 2-4/2013 Istanbul Turkey, in partnership between the Institute of Strategic Thinking (Turkey) and the Center for Cultural Studies and Dialogue of Cultures (Cairo University).
  • Participation with an intervention entitled “Media and its role in the dissemination of strategic culture in the Arab world” within the International Conference Future Studies between the importance and necessity and organized at the Center for Economic and Social Studies and Research and the Arab Association for Future Studies on 25-26-27 June 2012 in Tunisia.
  • Participation in the activities of the third national forum on civil society institutions and achieving the objectives of sustainable development “on 17-18 May 2011, an intervention entitled” civil society and the problem of elites “organized by the Institute of Arts and Languages, University Center Souk Ahras Algeria.
  • Participation with conference “Micro Violence in Algerian Schools: A Field Study in a Number of Wilayates” in the “scientific Day of Study on Micro Violence in Algerian Schools: Approach and Experience of the Field” organized by the National Center for Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology (Crasc), Oran on 16 November 2011.
  • Participated in the International Workshop on Internal Challenges in North Africa and Relations with Turkey, organized at the University of Eskisehir, Turkey on 22 December 2011.
  • Participation in a presentation entitled “School Violence” in the National Forum on Violence in the Social Environment, University Center Tarf (Algeria), 22/04/2010
  • Participation in an intervention entitled cognitive and objective obstacles in understanding social phenomena within the first national forum on the steps and techniques of scientific research in the field of social sciences and humanities, organized by the Department of Sociology at the University Center in Al-Tarif on 05 and 06 December 2010.
  • Participation with intervention entitled “The reality of youth deviation in Algeria” within the activities of the international symposium “Violent behavior in the family and society in the Maghreb countries” organized by the Center for Economic and Social Studies and Research, Tunisia on 05-06-07 June 2008.
  • Participation with a presentation entitled “Democracy in Algeria between Discourse and Practice” within the 26th International Forum of Contemporary Thought on Civil Societies and Democracy and Researchers Working for a 21st Century Maghreb System “Tamimi Foundation for Scientific Research and Information, Days 23-24-25 October 2008.
  • Chairman of the scientific symposium held in the Department of Sociology and Demography at the University of Jijel (Algeria) on the reality of school and vocational guidance in 04-02-2007.
  • Participation with a presentation entitled “Perceptions of the Future Status of Sociology in Algeria” within the National Forum on “Sociology in Algeria: Reality and Prospects” held on 05-06-07 March 2006 from the Department of Sociology and Demography of the University of Jijel (Algeria).
  • Participation in the scientific day organized in the Department of Political Science at the University of Annaba on the methodology in the humanities and social sciences, an intervention entitled “Recent trends in social research” on 16 December 2003.
  • Participation in the First International Conference: “Public Relations in the Arab World in the Globalization: Current Reality and Future Prospects”, organized by the College of Communication, University of Sharjah (UAE) on May 4-5, 2005, entitled “Towards a Strategy for Developing Public Relations Practice at Home” Arabi”.
  • Participation in the National Forum organized in the Department of Sociology and Demography at the University of Jijel: Sociology in Algeria: Reality and Prospects “held on 05-06-07 March 2006, with the intervention:” Perceptions of the future status of sociology in Algeria.
  • Participation in the second conference of the Deanship of Student Affairs, “University Youth and the Scourge of Drugs”, organized by Al-Zarqa Private University, Jordan, from 9 to 11 May, 2006, under the title “The reality and factors of drug use in the university environment in Algeria”.
  • Participation in the international conference held at the University of Mutah (Jordan) on security, democracy and human rights in the period from 10-12 / 7/2006 in an intervention: “violence in secondary education in Algeria.
  • Participation in the 6th National Forum held at the University of Baji Mokhtar (Algeria) in partnership between the Department of Sociology and the Laboratory of Education, deviation and crime on “Health and Society – the status of health in the community and the contribution of humanities in its development” on 13-14 November 2007.
  • Participation in the symposium “Humanities and Social Sciences and Research Ethics” held in coordination between the Center for Economic and Social Studies and Research and the Middle East Research Program held in Tunis on 7-8 December 2007 with an intervention entitled “The reality of scientific evaluation of theses and university theses in Algeria”.
  • Participant in a presentation entitled: “The reality of youth deviation in Algeria” in the symposium organized by the Center for Economic and Social Studies and Research. Tunisia 5-7 June 2008. Member of its Scientific Committee and joint organizer with the Center
  • Participated in the 26th Conference of the Contemporary Thought Forum on: Civil Societies and Democracy and Researchers Working for a Maghreb System in the 21st Century, with a presentation entitled: “The Reality of Democracy in Algeria: Between Discourse and Practice”, 23-24-25 October 2008.
  • Participation in the fifth forum of the Saudi Society for Media and Communication on investment in the media and communication industry, entitled “Investing in media and communication and its implications on social identity in the Arab world”, on 22-24 December 2009, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  • Participation in the scientific day entitled “Violence in the social milieu” with an intervention entitled “Violence in the Algerian school milieu”, on Thursday 22 April 2010 at the University Center El Taref.
  • Participation in the 30th Conference of the Contemporary Thought Forum on “The Cost of Political, Economic and Knowledge Development in the Arab Countries, Tunisia, 27/28/29 May 2010, organized by the Tamimi Foundation for Scientific Research and Information and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Tunis with an intervention entitled:“ Arab Universities and Non-Knowledge Development ”. Reasons and Prospects.
  • Participation in the first national forum “Steps and techniques of scientific research in the field of social sciences and humanities”, organized by the Department of Sociology at the University Center in Al-Tarif on 05 and 06 December 2010, under the title “cognitive and objective obstacles in understanding social phenomena”
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference “Poverty, Freedom and Security” 21-23 / 7/2011 Karak – Mutah University Jordan, http://www.mutah.edu.jo/poverty/sciencom_a.html
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Scientific Workshop “Internal Challenges of the Maghreb and Relations with Turkey”, organized by the Middle East Center for Studies and Cooperation (Osman Gazi University) Eskişehir, Turkey, on 22 December 2011.
  • Intervention entitled “Dimensions of Illegal Immigration in the Arab Maghreb”, within the scientific workshop entitled “Internal Challenges of the Maghreb and Relations with Turkey”, organized by the Center for Middle East Studies and Cooperation, Osman Gazi University, Eskişehir, Turkey, 22/12/2011.
  • Chairperson of the session “What has changed in the Middle East: the Arab Spring and the hopes of peoples”, scientific symposium, regional and international influences, the first anniversary of the Arab Spring, Ankara, Turkey, 17-18 December 2011.


  • Sociology of social separation during the Corona pandemic (in Arabic), https://www.orsam.org.tr/ar/corona-salgini-sirasinda/, 04.05.2020.
  • Discourse of religious scholars in social media, al Mesbar Studies and research center Dubai February 2015.
  • Article entitled” Satellite TV and industry of new cultural identity” Published in ALWASSIT, Mauritanian Institute for Scientific Research, N12, 2013
  • Article entitled “The reality of illegal immigration in the Maghreb region” Published at MOKARABAT scientific Magazine; Morocco 2013
  • Article entitled “Social Cost of the Absence of the embodiment of the Western World” in a poly-author work entitled “The Cost of the Absence of the embodiment of the Maghrebian Union”. Edition El Djazira, June 2011.
  • Article entitled ” Violence in Arabic Schools from a Sociological Perspective” in a poly-author work entitled “Antagonism and Hatred Demolishe, Love and Forgiveness Construct” Edition Third Millenium, July 2011, Morocco.
  • Article entitled “Towards Illegal immigration Sociology”
  • Article entitled “Investment in Information and Communication”, vsixth issue of Volume III of the journal of Humanitarian Approaches Sciences (Fall 2010) Kingdom of Morocco.
  • Article Published entitled “Social Conflict: The Dismantling And Re- Formation”, Edition El-Tebyine, Cultural Creative Magazine, issued by the Gahzip number 11.1997 pp 128-130.
  • Article Published in the Journal of the Algerian Sociological Studies, Journal of the Court under the title: “Towards A Strategy For The Development Of Public Relations in the Arab world.” Issue 01 January 2006,(pp 65-98).
  • Article Published in the Communication Journal, Journal of Social and Human Science, article entitled: Violence And Peace In The Algerian Educational System. “Annaba. December 20, 2007. Pp (251-266). ISSN-111-4932.
  • Management Special Issue: “Violence and social exclusion: towards a cultural approach, Italian online affiliated magazine obsservatorio processi com unicativi magma@analisiqualitativa.com.
  • an article in the journal M @ GM @ Italian entitled “Un Savoir Partagé Et Une Inter Culturalité Construite: Le Modèle De M@GM@”, Electronic magazine in the Human and Social Sciences specialized in the approaches and methods ISIN ISSN 1721-9809. Sixth issue, Catania, Italy, 2009.
  • Article “Arab Societies and the Decline of Reason and the Rise of Superstition” published in the Journal News, Algeria August 31, 2009. http://www.djazairnews.info/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3148:2009-08-31-17-41-41&catid=37:2009-03-26-18-28-26&Itemid=56
  • article “the problem of decline of ijtihad in the Islamic World” publications in the Journal News, Algeria September 2009 http://djazairnews.info/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3501:2009-09-07-21-24-57&catid=37:2009-03-26-18 28-26&Itemid=56
  • Article entitled “the Book, deteriorating Arab Center” an Arab journalist in 2009, August 2010, http://www.alsahfe.com/News-1932.htm
  • an article entitled “Dialogue With The West: Lessons And Opportunities For Understanding The Differences” , Asbar Center for Studies and Research and Information, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, http://www.asbar.com/ar/contents.aspx?c=547
  • Article “Religious Freedom In The Arab And Islamic Worlds .. Models To Take Lessons”,                    intellectual newspaper, 21/08/2010, http://www.almothaqaf.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=16651:2010-07-19-06-15-27&catid=34:2009 -05-21-01 45-56 & Itemid = 53
  • Article “Tolerance And Susceptibility To Surrender” Newspaper “Maakom” http://maakom.com/site/article/4118
  • a book published in Dar Al-Huda Printing, Publishing and Distribution, entitled “Baccalaureate In Your Hands
  • a book published in Dar Al-Huda Printing, Publishing and Distribution, entitled “Specified In The Training Of Trainers,”
  • a book published in Dar Al-Huda Printing, Publishing and Distribution, entitled “Adequate Teaching
  • a book published in the Naif Arab University for Security Sciences Saudi Arabia ,under the title: “Violence Among Pupils In Algerian Secondary Schools” Studies and Research Center Riyadh, 2007. ISBN number in the library of King Fahd National -1107/1428 ISBN-:7 -6 -9845 to 9960. (291 p).
  • a book published in Casablanca Arab Science – Publishers (Lebanon), Publications of the difference, in association with Rashid Al Maktoum (Program grant writing), under the title: “Teaching Climate, A Field Study.” Published 2009, ISBN 9789953875514 (237 pages).
  • Book in press entitled “The Problems of Women Delinquency: Close Approaches” Ray Publishing & Science Syria – Aleppo.

Membership And Cooperation With Institutions And Associations

  • Member of European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences  (ENPOSS),        since 25/05/2020, http://enposs.eu/author/bendridifhotmail-com/
  • Reviewer in the International Journal of Current Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, India from December 2019 to now.
  • Reviewer in the indexed international magazine Society and Media , Malaysia from January 2020 To now.
  • Reviewer in the International Journal of International Relations and Diplomacy, Germany, starting in November 2019 to now.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Arab Journal of Security Studies issued by the Naif Arab University for Security Sciences (KSA), starting in January 2020
  • Chair of the research project “Algerian youth values in the light of social networks, Facebook as a model” starting in January 2020.Crasc (Algeria)
  • Director of the Journal of Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences issued by the Rumah Jordan Center starting from January 2018 until now
  • President of the International Conference, Culture of Peaceful Coexistence in Arab Societies, Istanbul, Turkey, 25-26-27 September 2019
  • Co-president of INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN CONFERENCE; Istanbul 06-07 May 2018
  • Intervention entitled Towards a sociological reading of violence against children in times of conflict: the contradiction between discourse  and practice, the International Childhood Conference in Conflict Zones is organized in partnership between the Laboratory of Religious Anthropology and its Comparison (Tlemcen University) and the Argida Center – Istanbul, Tutkey, 6-7-May 2018
  • International Forum on: University and Openness to the Outer Ocean Expectations and bets On 29 and 30 April 2018, Guelma University, Algeria
  • Co-president of International Conference Youth and Extremism Tunisia 10- 11 May 2018
  • General coordinator of public relation and conferences of Global Schooling Systems, https://schoolingsystems.com/dr_-faouzi-bendridi
  • Member of Peer Review Committee of Arab Research and Policy Institute since march 2017
  • African Region Represented in International Police Science Association since February 2017
  • Associate Researcher in Arab Council for the Social Sciences (Beirut Lebanon), since January 2017
  • Member of the Board of Directors ‘Arab Association for the Prevention of Violence against Children’ since January 2017
  • Coordinator of NATCHASS north Africa turkey conference of Human an socials sciences, www.natchass.org
  • Member of scientific committee for the international conference «Terrorism and                   Extremism« Mutah University 6-8/10/2015 https://www.mutah.edu.jo/National-sec/lejan.htm
  • Member of Scientific committee for the conference “poverty, freedom and security” held 21 to 23 July 2011, Muttah University, Jordan.
  • Collaborative Expert with the Euro-Mediterranean Network for Isolated Juveniles, REMI, Marseille from September 08, 2011.
  • Member CEC Members Directory North Africa, https://cmsdata.iucn.org/downloads/directory_northafrica_april2012.pdf
  • Member of The Arab-European Association for Media and Communication Researchers, http://www.areacore.org/membership/members/, 2015
  • Member of Editorial Committee of book “state, justice and youth,, Ankara, Turkey 2013
  • Member of Scientific committee for “Challenges to the Arab -Turkish Relation” organized by the Middle East Studies in collaboration with Ottman Ben Ghazi University, Turkey, held on December 22, 2011.
  • Chairman of the session “What changed in the Middle East, Arabic Spring or peoples’ hopes”, 1st Anniversary of the Arabic Spring, Ankara, Turkey, 17-18 December 2011.
  • President of a research team under on “micro-violence” from February 2011, the Center for Anthropological Social and Cultural Studies, Oran, Algeria.
  • Researcher on “Violence And Exclusion In Algerian Society – A Field Study In The School Environment” Jijel University, Algeria from 01/01/2007 to 05/25/2010.
  • Member of the research group on: “Middle School Programs And Violence” Education, Delinquency And Crime In Society Laboratory: Annaba,Algeria. Starting From 03/04/2007 to now.
  • Ex Editor of the Algerian Sociological Studies – Department of Sociology and Demography University of Jijel since 2005: to August 2007. ISSN :1112- 6221
  • Mandated to manage the publications of Souk Ahras University from November 2007. 30 July 2008.
  • Member of the scientific journal of the Italian m @ gm @ ISIN: ISSN 1721- 9809, starting from March 2008 to now.
  • Vice editor of the American University of Human Sciences, from February 2010 to now
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the National Forum “violence in Algerian society,” Days of 04/05 May 2010 Souk Ahras University
  • Network member Notre Dame University of Science of Generosity, from April 2010 http://www.scienceofgenerosity.com/single.php?view=1871&l=research ers
  • Expert in the management of population and immigration policy, social sector – League of Arab States, April 2010.
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the Institute’s Wharf for the Humanities, Washington, United States of America.
  • Expert / adviser at the Center for Women / ESCWA Beirut, Lebanon, April 2010.
  • Arbitrator in “El Tawasol” scientific journal published by the University of Baji Mokhtar Annaba, starting from 05/31/2010.
  • Training courses in the International Observatory of violence in the middle school at the University of Bordeaux, France, from 02 the period March 28 to 07 April 2005.
  • A resident of Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government, starting from 26/09/2009 to 2010.
  • Collaborating professionally with the Office of Professional Sociology Catania – Italy since 2005.
  • Vice president Association Sociology of “criticism” of Annaba, from 1993 to 1995.
  • Vice president Education Association M’daurouch from 1996 to 1997.
  • Member of the Arab Civil Society Forum for Children of the Arab Council for Childhood (NGO affiliated to the Arab League) starting from 01 May 2008 to now.
  • Member of the “International Society for undergraduate pedagogy” in  Belgium since May 2008 to now.
  • Member of the Arab Science and Technology – Sharjah United Arab Emirates from October 2008.
  • Collaborating with the “International Observatory of Belgium, juvenile justice,” since October 20, 2008 to now.
  • Member in “Arabic Foundation For Sciences And Technology”, Sharjah, UAE, from October 2008.
  • Member of the “Danish Development Research Network” from 03.06.2009 till today.
  • Member of the “Arabic Democratic Group” from May 2011.
  • Member of Peace and Collaborative Development Network as of 05/04/2009 at Georgetown University.
  • Miscellaneous recognition and thanks from the “Supreme Council for Education” (the highest body for Education in Algeria) before, on proposals for the development of education in Algeria.

Areas of research interest

  • School violence
  • Extremism and terrorism
  • Deviancy
  • Youth
  • Abuse against childhood


Scientific And Field Visits:

  • Scientific Visit to the “International institute for Violence amongst pupils” at Bordeaux University, France, 28 March to 07 April, 2005.
  • Scientific Visit to “El Assad” Library, Syria, 2006.
  • Scientific Visit to “Economic and Social Studies and Research Centre”
  • Scientific Visit to “Middle East Collborative Studies Centre”, Ottman Ben Ghazi University, Turkey, December 2011.


  • Good skills In computing.
  • Good skills In Internet.
  • Good skills in Arabic and French. and Communication in English